Today Pranav took first place in a Chess Emporium chess tournament, in the K-3 section of the JULY JOUST. Jack Kucera took 3rd place in the same section with his only loss coming from fellow Super Group player Pranav. While in the K-6 section my student Louis Anderson took first place after a very good last round game against former student Alex Vogel - who won the event with a perfect 4 - 0 score. Despite this loss the process of playing with effort reaps far more long term benefits than any immediate result could ever show. Chess improvement is a process over the course of time!
As you can see from these standings this is an ultra competitive tournament! Last place in one of my tournaments is not last place as far as I am concerned! It means simply that this particular player or players have learned a lot and we build from there, where ever that particular final standings find us. Each of these youngsters will become a stronger player than I - provided they stick with the game.